The project is implemented under the Priority Axis: II. Effective public policies for the labor market, economy and education, under Measure: 2.15 Vocational education and training adapted to the needs of the changing economy.
The project is co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund
01/02/2017 - 31/10/2018
E-resources in the area of administration and services (II) of groups of economic, administration and office professions as well as transport, forwarding and logistics
The project is implemented in partnership by three entities:
- Eduexpert sp. z o.o
• Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute
• FUNMEDIA sp. z o.o.
Project goal:
The project is implemented under the Priority Axis: II. Effective public policies for the labor market, economy and education, under Measure: 2.15 Vocational education and training adapted to the needs of the changing economy. The aim of the project is to develop 30 multimedia materials (e-resources) in the period from 01/02/2017 to 31/10/2018 in the administration and service area (II) in two occupation groups: economic, administration and office and transport, forwarding and logistics.
As part of 30 e-resources, 13 e-resources in English and 17 e-resources will be developed for 5 professions in other foreign languages, including 4 professions (port and terminal operation technician, airport operational services technician, marine navigator technician, sea fishing) in German, Russian, French and Spanish, and for 1 occupation (inland navigation technician) in German.
Delivery time:
01/02/2017- 31/10/2018
Project value:
PLN 3,343,625.00
Contribution of the European Social Fund:
PLN 2,818,007.15
Price inquiries
audio sequences
December 22, 2017
Price inquiry - audio sequences
audio sequences
May 11, 2017
Price inquiry - audio sequences
"Co-financed under the European Union program European Social Fund"