Creation of educational toolkits, lesson plans and activities for Area I: Pre-primary education and early childhood education including foreign languages

The primary goal of the project is to create, between October 1, 2020, and August 29, 2022, a set of eight educational toolkits for preschool and early primary education, which will include foreign languages: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, and Russian. Additionally, the project aims to develop curricula for modern foreign languages—specifically, Italian, Spanish, and Russian—as part of Area I.

Priority axis II: Effective public policies for the labour market, economy and education

Measure: 2.10 High quality of the education system.

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Main tasks to be carried out under the project:

  • Development, verification, revision and validation of curricula and methodological guides included in the educational toolkits,
  • Development, verification, revision and approval of scenarios for interdisciplinary educational projects included in the educational toolkits,
  • Development, verification, revision and validation of didactic measurement tools and tools for the evaluation of key competences and universal skills included in the educational toolkits.

Target group:

  • Education system employees,
  • Directors of schools and educational establishments,
  • Schools and educational establishments,
  • School superintendents,
  • Other bodies implementing pedagogical supervision,
  • Pupils (including those with special educational needs and disabilities).
