Choosing consciously – innovative career building tools

„Co-financed by the European Union programme Erasmus+”.

Schoolchildren need knowledge that will allow them to make the right decisions about further education, prepare young people to develop key competences, recognise their own needs, skills and the opportunities provided by the modern education system, help them develop the ability to recognise personal resources and use them in building their own educational and professional path. The involvement of international partners from the UK and Italy will allow us to develop products that will be useful to recipients regardless of their place of residence, which is of great importance in today’s educational and professional mobility.


Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union




01.09.2016 – 31.08.2018

Obrazek posiada pusty atrybut alt; plik o nazwie image-9.png

Choosing consciously – innovative career path building tools


Strategic partnerships


Strategic partnerships for vocational education and training


Project objective:

To develop universal multilingual tools and materials that will directly contribute to increasing the level of awareness of schoolchildren in the development of specific areas of key competences relevant to the labour market.


Schoolchildren need knowledge that will enable them to make the right decisions about further education, prepare young people to develop key competences, recognise their own needs, skills and the opportunities provided by the modern education system, help them to develop the ability to recognise personal resources and use them in building their own educational and professional path.
Zaangażowanie partnerów międzynarodowych z Wielkiej Brytanii i Włoch pozwoli na opracowanie produktów, które będą użyteczne dla odbiorców bez względu na miejsce zamieszkania, co przy dzisiejszej mobilności edukacyjnej i zawodowej ma ogromne znaczenie.