Creation of high quality e-didactic materials for the subject Polish Language, for a four-year general secondary school and a five-year technical secondary school

“Co-financed by the European Union programme European Social Fund”


The project is co-financed by the European Union within the framework of the European Social Fund




01.01.2019 – 31.03.2021

The project is implemented under Priority Axis: II. Effective public policies for the labour market, economy and education, under Measure: 2.10 High quality of the education system.

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Project title:

“Creation of high-quality didactic e-materials for the subject Polish Language, for a four-year general secondary school and a five-year technical school”.

Grant agreement number UDA-POWER.02.10.00-00-6044/18 under the Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development 2014-2020 from the funds of the European Social Fund

Priority axis II: Effective public policies for the labour market, economy and education

Measure: 2.10 High quality of the education system

The main objective of the project is to create high quality e-didactic materials in the Polish language for four-year general secondary schools and five-year technical schools, increasing the use by schools and institutions of modernised content, tools and resources to support the process of general education in the development of key and universal competencies in students, as well as experimental teaching and methods of individualised approach to students.

Value of the project / EU funding: PLN 9,440,741.20

Implementation period: from 2019-01-01 to 2021-03-31

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Name of Beneficiary: Spółka z o.o. based in Kalisz – Lead Partner
Eduexpert Spółka z o.o. based in Toruń – Partner 1
Academy of Humanities and Economics based in Łódź – Partner 2
LPE Spółka  z o. o. z siedzibą w Łodzi – Partner 3