Situational leadership – what is the Blanchard model?

Increasing competition and dynamics of changes in the business world require precise actions from the organization that will help it achieve success. Innovative work environment, inclusive culture, change management, activities in the field of sustainable development. These are just a few extremely key aspects for companies that want to maintain their position in such a competitive market today. However, the most important issue that will help retain the best talents and support employee development is effective management and, above all, skillful selection of the leadership style to the employee’s level of readiness. A helpful tool in this process is the so-called Blanchard’s model. What exactly is it and how does it affect the work of HR departments and employee development? What is situational leadership? We explain everything in this article.

Blanchard Model – What is it?

Situational leadership is one of the most popular solutions in effective management today. The Blanchard model based on it is a flexible tool, widely used by organizations around the world, which allows for precise management of employee development.

The Blanchard model, also known as Situational Leadership II (SLII), is derived from the theory of situational leadership, developed by Ken Blanchard and Paul Hersey in 1968. The aim of their research was to understand why some leaders are unable to effectively manage teams, while others are successful. According to Hersey and Blanchard’s theory, leadership effectiveness depends on matching the management style to the situation and the level of maturity of employees.

The situational leadership model is based on:

  • the level of the employee’s readiness, i.e. the extent to which his competences and commitment allow him to perform the task;
  • leadership style, i.e. specific leadership behaviors that enable effective management of an employee’s development at a given stage of readiness.

Leadership styles in Blanchard’s model

Originally, Blanchard’s model was based on two dimensions: task-based and relational. As the research developed, Blanchard and his team expanded the model to create a more comprehensive structure that includes four leadership styles. Depending on the employee’s degree of readiness, a different way of managing their development is used. Here are the 4 main leadership styles according to Blanchard’s model.

Directive style (leading, instructing)

It is usually used for employees with a low level of competence but high commitment. In such a situation, it is the leader who sets goals and tasks and then instructs employees how to accomplish them. It provides them with the necessary substantive support and specific guidelines.

Association style (consulting)

It aims to build commitment and relationships. It is based on two-way communication. The leader acts as a mentor/coach. He listens to employees’ opinions, cooperates with them and jointly searches for the best solutions. It provides employees with support in their development by motivating them to act and increasing their self-esteem. Used for employees with low competences and low commitment.

Supportive style

A style focused on relationships and cooperation. Designed for employees with high competences and low commitment. The leader primarily supports employees in carrying out their tasks rather than directing them. He is open to their suggestions and ideas, giving them the opportunity to experiment and test new solutions. It provides help, provides necessary information and encourages you to take action.

Delegating style

Used mainly for employees with high commitment and high competences. The leader gives employees more responsibility in decision-making and provides support only when needed. Employees have a clear goal but freedom of action to achieve it.

Blanchard’s model in practice

According to the Articulate report “Reskilling, Retention and Resilience”, up to 52% of employees feel the need to learn new skills. In turn, 77% of respondents claim that they have competence gaps. Employee development, including: through upskilling requires effective leadership. Blanchard’s model helps leaders adjust their employee development management style to effectively acquire the desired skills and competencies of the future. Efficient use of modern tools and solutions based on artificial intelligence are additional benefits for employers and employees. In what situations and internal company processes can the Blanchard model be used?

  • Onboarding a new employee – in the onboarding process, the leader should help the employee acquirethe necessary knowledge and skills that will help him quickly and effectively enter the life of the organization, and in such a situation, the directive and consultative styles will work best.
  • Tasks requiring creativity and independence – in this case, the leader should use a delegation style to enable the employee to use his or her potential, which may be particularly important when working with, for example, the Alpha generation.
  • Tasks that require motivation and commitment – in this case, the leader should use a supportive style to help the employee stay motivated.
  • A sales team manager may use a leadership style with new employees who have no sales experience.
  • A manager of a development team may use a delegation style with experienced developers who are able to complete complex tasks independently.
  • A project team manager may use a supportive style for employees who are motivated to work but need additional support in carrying out their tasks.

Leadership based on Blanchard’s model and situational leadership is not without its challenges. Leaders must be able to effectively assess employee maturity levels and adapt their approach. Developing this skill requires practice, observation and the ability to empathize.

How to use Blanchard’s model in HR and L&D processes?

Blanchard’s model, i.e. Situational Leadership® II, has a significant impact on the work of HR departments, managers and learning and development processes. It provides a structured and flexible approach to team management that can contribute to increasing work efficiency and effectiveness. Below we present how this model influences the work of these groups:

HR Departments:

  1. Leader Selection and Development: HR departments can use Blanchard’s model as a tool for selecting and developing leaders in an organization. They can assess what leadership skills are needed at different levels of the organization and what leadership styles are most effective in a given context.
  2. Training design: HR can design training and development programs based on Blanchard’s model. This will give leaders the skills to identify employee maturity levels and adapt their approach.
  3. Organizational culture: Blanchard’s model can help HR build an organizational culture based on a flexible approach to leadership. It will also help promote an inclusive culture in the organization that is extremely desirable today. Supporting leaders in using different management styles depending on the situation will strengthen trust and improve team cooperation.


  1. Effective team management: Blanchard’s model provides specific guidance on how to adapt your leadership style to the maturity level of your employees. Thanks to this, managers can motivate, transfer knowledge and set goals more effectively.
  2. Adapting to changing situations: In today’s business environment, situations change rapidly. Managers must be flexible and ready for a variety of challenges. Blanchard’s model helps them adapt their approach to changing circumstances.
  3. Team development: By skillfully using different leadership styles according to Blanchard’s model, managers can support the development of their employees. This helps not only in developing skills, but also in building employee commitment and satisfaction.
  4. Communication and relationships: Blanchard’s model emphasizes the importance of two-way communication. Managers who use this model focus on building dialogue with employees, which can improve the quality of relationships in the team.

In summary, Blanchard’s model has a significant impact on HR departments and managers in companies, helping to create a more flexible, effective and engaged work environment. By adapting the leadership style to the maturity level of employees and the situation, this model contributes to the success of the organization and the development of its human resources.

To use Blanchard’s model for employee development, HR and L&D professionals should:

  • Determine the level of readiness and commitment of individual employees. This can be done by observing their work, interviewing them, or using employee assessment tools.
  • Adapt your leadership style to the needs and capabilities of individual employees.
  • Regularly monitor the effectiveness of the leadership style used.

Situational leadership in e-learning

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